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Kate Middleton Pregnant Again: Dutchess of Cambridge Expecting Baby ...

Kate Middleton looks as if she has another growing baby bump, and is expecting baby number #2 in 2014, according to a new report.(Photo : Reuters/POOL New)

Kate Middleton may be pregnant again! The Dutchess of Cambridge and Prince William's Wife was spotted with a possible growing baby bump, sparking talk about her expecting baby number two.

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According to a new Star Magazine report, cameras caught the royal with an expanding belly after she had Prince George five months ago.

"She looked absolutely beautiful and glowing, and her hand rested only on her stomach for most of the night," said an eyewitness about Middleton's appearance at the Natural History Museum Alive 3D premiere with William to Star . "There was definitely what seemed to be a little bump showing already. And William was so tentative to her, quietly whispering to Kate and asking if she wanted to sit down or needed a sip of water. It was so sweet."

Reportedly, Pippa Middleton's older sister is three months along. The royal couple are hoping for a baby girl, and feel that a "little sister for George would be perfect!" claimed the report.

Since the pregnancy is still in its early stages, the Dutchess hasn't told many people yet, claiming that she's only just confirmed it with her doctor, added the source.

"Their immediate families are obviously thrilled beyond words when the couple told them news," explained a Palace insider. "The other royals, including William's grandmother,Queen Elizabeth II, were let in on Kate's wonderful secret during their Christmas lunch at Buckingham Palace on Dec. 18 - and the entire family is now sworn to keeping it quiet so that an official announcement can be made in the New Year."

Whether or not Middleton has another baby boy or her first daughter, the family will help her pick out a name.

"Kate's mum Carole Middleton has already been pushing for the baby to be named after William's late mother, Diana, as a beautiful tribute," added the source. "But Kate and William would also consider Elizabeth or Philippa. If it's a boy however, they're thinking Charles, Henry, Philip or Spencer."

The royal couple isn't only expanding their family but also their living space, the source told Star. While they currently live in a 20-room apartment in Kensington Palace, they will most likely move to Anmer Hall, a larger space on the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk.

Do you believe that Middleton is really pregnant? Tell us with a note below!

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